Pepper's Project Exhibition
Naive Art XXI
Group Exhibition
大野明世 Akiyo Ono
猿渡真緒 Mao Saruwatari
小宮貴裕 Takahiro Komiya
2013. 6/17mon ~ 6/22sat
Pepper's Gallery
いま、若い作家の作品の中からこれまでになくピュアーな心性から生まれたと思われる あるいはピュアーな心性を求めること
しょうか。いずれにしてもその出会いにはっとし、魅せられるのです。1999.6月からはじまりシリーズ21回目となる Project Exhibition。
Today we encounter new form of art and expression, produced by young artists. They themselves may be extremely pure and innocent, or perhaps it is that they pursue purity. Is this a contrary motion of today’s society? Is this a self-protection of their soul? Either way, it’s always exciting to encounter something new. Naive Art started June 1999, and this is the 21st Project Exhibition of the series.